Are you one of those people that is constantly looking on the bright side of life, even when all evidence is adding up to the conclusion that things are a bit of a shit show?  

Do you find yourself rooting for your friends, cheerleading them and insisting that everything is going to work out and it’s all happening for a reason – and watch as they groan and roll their eyes at your endless enthusiasm?

Have you ever watched Only Fools and Horses and felt that internal quiver strike you when Delboy declares for the nth time that “This time next year Rodney, we’ll be Millionaires!” knowing that he’s ever hopeful, possibly fooling himself, but also yes – why not? Why couldn’t it happen?

If any of these ring true, you probably have Connector in your top three Sacred Money Archetypes.

Here’s the thing, and I have Connector as my top Archetype, being so optimistic is both a blessing and a curse, IF, you don’t channel it in the right way.

Now you can chastise yourself for always believing there’s a silver lining, and then wonder why your life isn’t moving forward in the way other people’s lives seemingly are. You may be called out for being ‘naive’ or ‘overtrusting’ – some people may even take advantage of your good nature.

But what you have my friend, is Bouncebackability. 

And Bouncebackability can’t be bought in the way you inhabit it. 

It is the seed of resilience and tenacity. It is the strength to keep going, keep trying, keep moving towards the goal.

And when you harness your ability to champion, to reframe and try, try again, you will succeed.

There is a myth that has always been perpetuated. One of ‘the overnight success’. We worship at the altar of success for some reason and the media loves to put successes on a pedestal (they also, seemingly, like to rip them down and watch them burn). 

But in 99.9% of cases overnight success is the result of years of paying attention, implementing change and consistently showing up. A Connector has the gift of taking the knocks and keeping on going. A Connector has the ability to learn, interpret and build relationships. Yes, they may get downhearted at times, sometimes they feel weary, but ultimately they have the tenacity to keep rolling towards the goal. 

How your Connector interplays with your other top Sacred Money Archetypes will alter how its characteristics show up for you – but be assured, the strengths of this money personality are always there to be drawn on.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can maximise the benefits of your Sacred Money Archetypes why not join me in this round of my six week Sacred Money Archetypes with Carrie Ekins course. I’ll also be showing you how you can create greater wellbeing by focusing on your top three Archetypes too.

We get started on Wednesday the 14th of June. However, doors close THIS FRIDAY the 9th of June at midnight.

Hope to see you in the group.


Big love,
