Hey Hey!

Have you ever thought about there being a perimeter to your ability?

By that I mean given the resources you have to hand: time, money etc – you find yourself unable to progress towards completion of a goal or stage. It’s almost as though there is an edge to what is achievable.

A client asked me today how I was doing with a certain project. And that was my answer “To be honest, I think I have hit the perimeter of my ability”.

And we both got it.

We both understood what I meant.

Even more interestingly, as one we both visualised what our particular perimeters looked like.

As far as visuals go, they looked surprisingly similar. 

Both of us mentioned the high, high posts. Theirs was pebbly concrete, mine were of stout timber. They saw a 45° in turn at the top, laced with barbed wire angled to keep them in. Whilst mine was topped with razor-like spikes. We could both see through, to gain a view of the possibilities that lay beyond the barrier, but neither of us could find the gate. We both felt unable to reach the other side.

Just three little words conjured up vivid images of how it felt to be unable to see or take the next step. Interesting huh?

If you close your eyes now and visualise the perimeter of your ability, what do you see?

Is the perimeter high? Is it solid? Does it have gaps that you can see through and if you can see through what lies on the other side? Can you find the gate or is there a hatch? Is there a large sliding door? Maybe if you have perimeter of your ability is merely a rope like one of those red silk ropes you would find in a gallery to keep the hoards from touching the art.

I’m sure for some of us that the perimeter looks like a low wall, maybe no wall, or possibly even a ha-ha. Maybe it’s a stream or perhaps a red carpet with a Doorman to whom you just have to show your golden ticket to be permitted onwards into the realm of possibility.

But what can you do when you find yourself at the perimeter fence staring through the gaps?

I find it helpful to ‘see’ how I perceive my limits, since then I can invite my subconscious to get creative around possible solutions. Switching to a Puzzle solving mindset rather than a Problem mindet is a great place to start. 

Get curious- ask yourself what are the possible ways of reaching beyond your perimeter? Do you know someone who’s already achieved what you’re on the verge of doing? Use their experience as a map to guide you through.

Ask for help – can you outsource the problem to someone with the skills and resources? If budget is your stumbling block sometimes talking it through with a trusted friend of colleague can bring new insight. This is particularly true when you take the problem outside of the four walls you’re usually in so got for a walk or meet for a coffee – just change the environment.

Question whether there is a simpler solution – sometimes we pick a complex path to achieve a goal, but in reality there may be a (less beautiful perhaps) simpler route through.

I’d love to know what tools you use when you’ve reached the perimeter of your ability. Let me know!