The Official Bio

Carrie Ekins wants you to be Happy. Gloriously happy, living a life that fulfils you. A life that, in spite of all the responsibilities you have and places you need to be, feels as exciting as you’d like and as grounded as you need. 

In her 2 decades of experience as a massage therapist, specialising in Myofascial Release Technique (with a side helping of inadvertent life coaching thrown in for good measure) and her 4 decades of life, Carrie has met a lot of people and heard a lot of stories, and the thing that always shines through? It’s impossible for you to be there for others and continue to nurture and care in a way that doesn’t exhaust you, if you don’t first look after your own needs.

Call it what you want, contentment, satisfaction, happiness, the clear fact is this… Resentment and Frustration WILL burn you out. Keeping an eye on your own personal ‘happy’ and prioritising your own wellbeing and fulfilment will fill you up. When you feel as though fulfilment is not an illusion but a tangible part of your everyday, then you’re better positioned to be the best version of ‘You’ you can be

Forever fascinated by human behaviour and psychology Carrie has a 2:1 in Bsc. Psychology. During her twenties she travelled the globe avidly learning about other cultures and people watching. Over the years She’s helped thousands of people feel come comfortable in their own bodies and more comfortable in their own lives.

Her interest in the connection between Mind and Body inform her coaching practice, as do the seemingly simple questions of “What do you desire?”, “What do you require to get there?”, “What thoughts, beliefs or behaviours do you need to retire to make it happen?” and “How can you stay inspired to make change a reality?”. 


The Real Bio

As a child I felt like I didn’t fit into any particular camp – I was too weird to be ‘normal’ and too normal to be ‘weird’. So I bodded along trying to be a good girl, knowing that I could be more of myself when I grew up.

The thing about waiting on to be more of yourself, is that by the time that opportunity arises you can quite easily forget who you really are. Instead you become a people pleasing chameleon. 

My clients are extraordinary and ordinary. Just like me. They’ve experienced loss and grief, frustration and disappointment. They’ve created great success and felt wild euphoria, sometimes it lasts and sometimes they watched it slip away, leaving them wondering “How do I get back there?”. They’ve seen their idols fall from the pillars they’ve placed them on and carried stories of betrayal and mistrust handed to them by their parents and grandparents.

I, like many of my clients, have had moments of stark realisation. Moments that have stopped me in my tracks. Moments when I have thought “I can’t go on like this”. I know you have had those moments too. 

I will champion you, in the same way as I champion myself (in past, present and future tenses), and will gently ask you to enquire why you do continue to accept situations that no longer serve you? Why do you continue to allow yourself to feel unworthy, less than, to be treated poorly? Because you are worth so much more and you feel that on some level. Once you start to peel apart the stories you allow yourself to tell, you can start to see how you can heal them and free yourself from them.

You deserve to live a glorious life full of freedom and joy. You deserve all the things that make you happy. You deserve to feel safe, supported and heard. And it’s okay if hearing that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, but I promise you, you deserve all the good things your heart desires. Let’s go get them huh?