PhotosMira Zaki


Styling, Location & additional PhotosAle B

Okay, seriously, we have to talk about how FREAKING AMAZING Ale B is. You want to elevate yourself? You want to feel gorgeous, and glorious, and authentic and seen?  Then , trust me, you’d serve yourself verrrrry well to have this maker of magic on your team.


Website – ME!

You can do it, whatever it is that your heart desires, you can do it. Start where ever you are and take a step towards it. The magic is already in you, just believe it. I think this is my 5th website I’ve ever built. I’m not trained at it, but I think I pull out a pretty reasonable job. I do it for the fun of creating, I do it because I’m bootstrapping. I do it cos I’m a dang alchemist and I like to make magic happen RIGHT NOW!!!!!


Kit I Use:

iPhone 8 – a great place to start when making videos, you don’t need fancy when you start.

Rode Wireless Mic – works great with Mac products

Logitech Brio Webcam (the sound quality is awesome too)

HP Laptop

Canva for graphics

New Zenler for course hosting – this is my affiliate link btw, I’ve included it because I LOVE New Zenler. It makes hosting courses easy, there’s a ton of functionality and they’re always improving.

WordPress with a DIVI theme (makes building a website SOOOOO much easier)