Hey Hey!

I’ve been thinking about feeling prosperous today – which, in my mind feels different to prosperity, that has a very physical ‘money in the bank’ feel to it (maybe that’s just me? I’m willing to discuss!)


Anyhoo, to me feeling prosperous feels like a marker of wellbeing, y’know living a ‘good’ life. You don’t need to have a lot of cash to feel prosperous, it’s kind of like gratitude – it’s about an awareness that things are ‘good’, ‘abundant’ or bountiful. Interestingly, how you think and feel about the things you have,  dictates how you feel about the world in general.


It all came up today as I was coaching a Sacred Money Archetypes®️ client. We were working through an exercise which focuses on your money boundaries – these are areas of your  life and business where you may be a little soft or leaky in your ability to say ‘No’ to money based requests.


My lovely client and I were talking about the idea of Uncomplicated Prosperity – which is when I started to think about how prosperity (i.e money in the bank), can feel very different to feeling prosperous – i.e. feeling wealthy which is informed by many levels: financial; emotional; health both mental and physical; and even in terms of relationships.


Riddle me this, who is the most prosperous? The person who can afford to fill their petrol tank to the top but worries about the price of every can of beans and pint of beer? Or the person who chooses to put in a quarter of a tank of petrol, but will happily volunteer to bake for every school fundraiser and enjoys an hour finding new outfits at the local charity shops?


What I’m trying to say is, you don’t have to have a lot, to have a lot. Prosperity is in the eye of the beholder. You can be equally worried about how much money you have whether you’re ‘trust fund’ wealthy or be squeaking by on limited means. And in reverse, it doesn’t matter how many zeroes you have on your bank account, if you internally feel rich and satisfied with life.


I used to have a chart pinned up by my desk that asked ‘What does prosperity look and feel like for me?’ because I was curious about why I was working, what was it all for? As a creative self-employed person I needed to remind myself that my work was about more than just paying the bills – I could get a job if that was my sole driver. Instead I wanted to remind myself about the prosperous feelings my work brought me: freedom to pick when and where I worked; freedom to pick and choose my projects; freedom to add in a client on a day when I wouldn’t usually be working in clinic; the joy and ease of being able to drop off and pick up my kid from school and not having to worry about what would happen over school holidays. All of these things, and a whole bunch more feel prosperous to me.  You can grab your printable chart here.


When you feel prosperous, like everything is already going your way, then you have the grounding required to make heartfelt choices about making money. You can follow your heart and your gut rather than following fear and lack.


Our relationship with money is fascinating, it can be complicated and full of stories like a richly woven tapestry. Very similar circumstances can bring up very different feelings for two separate people. 


This is why I’m such a fan of Sacred Money Archetypes®️ (so much of a fan, I trained as a coach!). Why not take the quiz, and then jump on a quick call with me, I’ll be happy to tell you more about what your personal combination of Archetypes means in terms of making money, spending money and tripping yourself up over money!


You can take the quiz here: https://carrieekins.co.uk/quiz and don’t forget to book your free 20 minute call so you can discover what your combination of archetypes means for you. 


Can’t wait to chat! Big love,
