This could be the start of a very different year. What I’m about to share with you has CHANGED the way I relate to money, to my business and even to my relationship with friends, family and business colleagues. I’m certain it can do the same for you too.

And it all starts with a quiz.

Seriously, as simple a quiz as one of those ones you find in any vaguely trashy women’s mag and yet the results may blow your mind.

Want to know more?

Sacred Money Archetypes lets you discover your money personality. Because your ability to save, or your inability to stay out of debt is down to your money personality. Whether you take fast action to get the things you want or get distracted by the next shiny object is down to your money personality. The challenges you face with your finances and, if you have one, your business is down to your money personality. You get the idea…

You are a magical combination of 8 different money archetypes, once you know what they are and the order they show up in, it’s like a key in a lock, or the last piece of jigsaw in the puzzle. It’s like mist lifting. 

I’m currently in the middle of my Sacred Money Archetypes Coach training and I would like to offer you the chance to take the quiz – AND have a FREE 20 minute session with me in February during which I will give you a personal reading revealing how your top three Archetypes may be showing up for you, the strengths they bring and we’ll also touch on the challenges that show up too.

Are you keen?

Fab, So there’s two steps

STEP 1 Go take the quiz now. It’s right here at

STEP 2 Once you’ve got your results, hop over here and book your call

That’s it! It’s so simple!

Can’t wait to tell you more on the call.

Big love,
