Let’s get started. 

There’s a magical feeling that something amazing could happen at any moment.

It’s like the smell of spring. It’s just around the corner.

You’re ready to remember who you are, and what you do and what makes your heart sing.

Can you remember the last time you tried something for the first time? 

You’re giddy with the prospect of feeling prosperous. Feeling truly well on every level. Of feeling like you know what you need and are ready to make space to welcome it in.

It’s like there’s been a shift. A tiny but mighty shift and you are empowered, ready to bring it on. Ready to indulge yourself with kindness and compassion,  be it with an afternoon nap or saying yes to something new that you’ve been itching to try

You feel courageous, the time has come to place your attention on your needs and joys and pleasures.

What you seek is support. Support that fills in the blanks so your confidence can soar. Money confidence, body confidence, a greater sense of wellbeing – all the pieces that when brought together create an internal sense of being as prosperous AF.

That’s where I come in.

I work with optimists that want to value themselves more, who no longer want to shade their brilliance and are excited about the possibilities – it’s just that there are hesitations, you’re not quite sure how to let go of the blocks and limitations that seem to follow you around and your body seems to be trying to convince you that this is ‘it’.

We’re going to unlock another layer of your potential and there’s a couple of ways we can do that:

My studio is located in south west Sheffield with great access from London, Manchester and the surrounding area. It’s a tranquil and welcoming space.

Sitting on the edge of the beautiful Peak District makes this a great base for full day and half day masterminds and retreats – the open spaces of Burbage and Stange are only 10 minutes drive away, whilst the beautiful Chatsworth estate can be reached in around half an hour.  


You’re Brilliant, but you’re all up in your head and not making the traction in life you deserve.


You deserve the magical, fun filled, scintillating life you imagined yourself living. 

You deserve to feel supported, to live in your brilliance, not tone it down or discount it.

And to get to where you want to be you it would certainly help if you felt grounded and clear.


But how are you going to do that? Do you know what works for you?

Don’t worry if you don’t, I’m here to help with my FREE guide that is going to help you discover your Wellbeing Anchors.


What’s a Wellbeing Anchor?

It’s your very own, unique and personal toolkit that embraces your senses and brings you:

– Increased Clarity

– Greater Internal Calm

– A Feeling of Groundedness

 Because when you’ve got a handle on what Wellbeing looks and feels like for you, you can go out and create magic!


No matter where you are in your life, you can start right this moment and build ANYTHING – I’m here to give you the tools to succeed more and feel free from overwhelm. 

Hi Gorgeous, I’m Carrie

As a Mind Body Expert I’ve been helping people, just like you, soothe their nervous systems, feel more grounded and live glorious lives for the past 18 years.

I know that you’ve always been full of dreams and thoughts of adventure. As a kid you daydreamed endlessly about all the possibilities that lay ahead, but now as a ‘proper grown up’, you’re not sure that the life you see if front of you is what you were hoping for.

You’ve been making sure that everyone else around is looked after and doing okay for yearrrrrs, and no doubt about it, you’re brilliant at it, but now you’re realising that you’re feeling a bit of ‘husked out’. You sometimes struggle to find the time to be you, just YOU not a parent, or a parent’s child. Not a partner, or a co-worker, or a boss – just the most You-est version of You that your 7 year old self would be pleased to hang out with.

I’m sure you’re happy enough, but inside you still desire a life of FREEDOM and that feels RICH and JOYOUS. You want more than being good at adulting. You’re looking for a GLORIOUS life on all levels. If you’re ready to put yourself back in the middle of your world, I can help you. Consider me your cheerleader and confident on the path to your dizzyingly best life!


Playful, Scintillating One to One Focused Body Work & Mentoring.

Is this you?

  • You’re extraordinary and ordinary all at the same time, and looking to create wonderful things in your life?
  • You’re a magic maker who struggles to concentrate on one task?
  • Sometimes your body feels so tired and grumpy it’s hard to concentrate
  • You have a million ideas but can’t decide which one to go with first?
  • You’re looking for a mentor that makes things feel light and fun?

On the Blog

Halt! You have reached the perimeter

Halt! You have reached the perimeter

Hey Hey! Have you ever thought about there being a perimeter to your ability? By that I mean given the resources you have to hand: time, money etc - you find yourself unable to progress towards completion of a goal or stage. It’s almost as though there is an edge to...

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The Role of the Storyteller in Protecting Us from Harm

The Role of the Storyteller in Protecting Us from Harm

I set out to write a piece about ‘Protecting the Golden Goose’, but research got the better of me… Let me explain, one of my mentors often refers to the concept of Protecting the Golden Goose - as a metaphor that you are the most important asset in your business and...

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